YCShop Creations
The 90's Daily Planner & Grateful Themed Journal
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Don’t let the '90s fade from memory! This iconic decade changed the game with the internet bursting onto the scene and personal computers becoming our new best friends. Tech took a giant leap forward with the World Wide Web, while grunge music and unforgettable TV shows rocked our world, ushering in a cultural revolution. It was a time that many remember as a groovy blend of peace and prosperity!
Get your hands on a Magical Daily Planner and Grateful Journal combo that's like having a personal cheerleader on every page. Stay on top of your game with Affirmations, Goal Setting, Celebrating Wins, and so much more!
The Planner and Grateful Journal is your Six-Month ticket to organized bliss! With no dates or numbers, it's a time-traveling tool you can rock any year.
Spiral Letter Size, 8.5” x 11”, Planner.
(2) Notes Pages.
(3) Contacts Pages.
(3) Password Tracker Pages.
(3) Book to Read Log Pages.
(3) Savings Tracker Pages.
*Colors may vary depending on the computer’s color settings*